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E+H | Endress+Hauser

E+H | Endress+Hauser


Endress+Hauser总部位于德国和瑞士的五大生产中心专注于专业技术的研究、产品的开发、产品管理以及物流等方面。同时也生产核心组件,供应位于全球各地的生产厂。巴西、中国、法国、印度、意大利、日本、南非、英国和美国的生产厂可进行产品组装、测试和 标定,主要用于满足本地市场需求。有助于Endress+Hauser快速、灵活地为全球用户提供个性化的服务。

持续提高产品质量是Endress+Hauser的基本原则。 Endress+Hauser 任何生产和销售机构都将力争为用户提供最优质的产品和服务 。在产品采购和服务过程中,Endress+Hauser将寻找同样以质量保证为原则的合作伙伴。Endress+Hauser的全球质保系统基于ISO9001,14001,18001和OSHAS 18001标准。

Endress+Hauser每年为用户提供成千上百个测量点:几乎每一台设备都是独一无二的, 从两千多种不同的仪表种类以及上亿个设计方案中精挑细选。 为了处理各种不同的测量要求,Endress+Hauser使用高度自动化的生产装置,并且不断地更新生产技术,以满足最先进的标准。Endress+Hauser雇佣一批合格的有高度积极性的员工,同时不断为他们提供培训和继续教育的机会。


为了确保Endress+Hauser的仪表能够方便地集成到控制系统和资产管理系统中,Endress+Hauser对产品进行多重生产环境测试,并确保在投放下线之前取得相关认证。Endress+Hauser也针对特殊应用,开发完整的仪表解决方案,We also develop fully instrumented solutions for particular applications, e.g. 如密度梯度测量、 计量和加料、计量交接、泄露检测和罐区测量等,以及设备和标定管理的软件方案等。

Endress+Hauser(E+H)is a leading supplier of products, solutions and services for industrial process measurement and automation. We offer comprehensive process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature, recording and digital communications across a wide range of industries, optimizing processes with regards to economic efficiency, safety and environmental protection.

Growing from a small business to one of the largest instrumentation suppliers worldwide, Endress+Hauser has experienced both turbulent times and rampant growth. However, sustainable success has been at its core throughout.

In 1953, two seemingly different men came together to set up a new company in a private apartment in Lörrach, Germany: One was the Swiss engineer Georg H Endress, just 29 years old, tall and strong; the other was 58-year-old German bank manager Ludwig Hauser, clearly older and slim in stature.

However, these unlikely business partners proved to be a perfect match. Endress’ vision and Hauser’s caution proved to be the cornerstones of success. The young engineer clearly saw the opportunities that the new electronic level measurement technology had to offer. Until then, measured values had to be read and gauged by hand. The experienced banker took a careful approach to business and steered the company safely through the turbulent early years.

The starting capital of L Hauser KG was 2,000 Deutschemarks. The first ‘operating facility’ was in a room in Hauser’s apartment in Lörrach. Incidentally, the firm’s name came from Ludwig Hauser’s wife Luise: the entry in the commercial register of 10 February 1953 lists her as shareholder. The company first traded under the name Endress+Hauser in 1957.

Georg H Endress led the company for four decades. He opened up new markets and fields of application, developing the company - specializing in level measurement and growing into a supplier of complete solutions for the processing industry. By 1995, when he handed the management of the company over to his second eldest son, Klaus, the backroom business had grown into a global company with 4,300 employees.

Klaus Endress (born 1948) purposefully continued his father’s work and developed it, over time leaving his own managerial mark. He successfully met the challenges of a globalized world, recognizing the significance of services and solutions. Klaus Endress continued his commitment to a strong company culture and followed the strategy of sustainable growth.

On 1 January 2014, Matthias Altendorf (born 1967) took over as CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group from Klaus Endress, who continues to work for Endress+Hauser as President of the Supervisory Board.

Endress+Hauser owns subsidiaries on all six continents. Today the Group employs a workforce of more than 12,000 employees in production, sales and services worldwide.

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